Ever since the collapse of the Mughal Empire in India, the modern era began in this part of the world with the gradual introduction of English colonial rule since 1757. With the exit of these colonial ...
By Johann Knief for the journal Bremen Arbeiterpolitik, this article criticizes the social pacifism of the Independents [USPD]. Originally published in "Arbeiterpolitik, 1919, No. 6".
An article from a worker for the Bremen Arbeiterpolitik that talks about the Unitary Organization and criticizes the Trade Unions. Originally published in "Arbeiterpolitik, 1918, No. 26".
An article from the Bremen Arbeiterpolitik, signed by someone called Fl. Geyer., this criticizes the party-union division.
An unsigned article, this was published in the Bremen Arbeiterpolitik and attacked Trade Unions while showing spontaneous ...
An unsigned text from Bremen Arbeiterpolitik, this issues a call to go beyond leaders and the parliament and to form a ...
Article by the Council Communist and KAPD member Ernst Biedermann about the chancellorship of Wilhelm Marx, a leader of the ...
By the Council Communist and KAPD member Ernst Biedermann, this text is about about collaboration between the USSR and ...
The campaign in Britain against nuclear weapons is beginning to turn towards the working class. As it does so, it will create ...
`Solidarity` feels the full text of the leaflet distributed (in Russian) at the recent World Disarmament Congress in Moscow, should go on record, in view of the widespread repercussions (and ...
By the Council Communist and KAPD member Ernst Biedermann, this article is about the 4th IFTU Congress and also a critique of ...
Article in KAPD's monthly Der Proletarier by F. Struggler, this text talks about the occultist and claimed clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner. Originally published in "Proletarier, May 1925".