Ohio Secretary of State LaRose joined a legal challenge against federal overreach in corporate transparency mandates.
Two names will go forward to the Ohio Secretary of State's office as options for the next Greene County elections director, after the Greene County Board of Elections came to five stalemate votes Wednesday evening.
Governor Mike DeWine also celebrated the state’s special day with the hashtag ‘Ohio the heart of it all’ featuring our waving state flag, the only non-rectangular state flag in the country. Secretary of State Frank LaRose said he couldn’t be prouder to serve the people of the great state of Ohio.
Ohio’s Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, is urging residents to consider becoming poll workers for the upcoming May 6 statewide election.“Our elections depend on thousands of people from across the 88 counties of our state who show up at the polls to help their friends and neighbors vote,
"Serving as a poll worker is a rewarding way to engage your community and help your fellow citizens participate in one of the most sacred rights in our society, the right to vote," Secretary LaRose added. "I hope all eligible Ohioans will consider this opportunity to make a meaningful impact."
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has once again put out the call to duty asking Ohioans to consider becoming a poll worker in the upcoming May 6 statewide election.
Some Republicans in Delaware County say Melanie Lenghan's selection to Elections Board was done secretly and excluded others more qualified.