When the appropriateness of the All People Are Welcome sign on East State Street, was questioned, the community’s response ...
After hearing an alderman's complaints about a Rockford welcome sign multiple times recently, a City Council committee ...
After hearing an alderman's complaints about a Rockford welcome sign multiple times recently, a City Council committee ...
Rockford's 3rd Ward Alderman Chad Tuneberg received backlash after he expressed frustration with the city's welcome sign.
ROCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) - A popular print shop known for its Rockford-themed apparel launches a new design that has its roots in controversy over a sign that welcomes people into the Forest City. A ...
On Monday, Ald. Chad Tuneberg (R-3rd Ward) brings personal and constituent concerns to Rockford City Council regarding the welcome sign. At the Planning and Development Committee, council members ...
A Republican lawmaker was slammed for his "ignorant" concern that a sign reading "All People Are Welcome" would encourage immigrants to commit crimes.
The sign off of I-90 and East State Street reads: “Rockford – All People Are Welcome.” On February 18, Rockford City Council had a regularly scheduled meeting when Tuneberg said he wasn’t ...
Has there ever been a time when you hear or see something that makes you stop in your tracks and say to yourself, “Oh my gosh, I feel so old?” Well I have. I’ve experienced this quite a few time in my ...