President Donald Trump promised during his campaign to eliminate the $9 toll, but New York City leaders believe it's in his ...
1️⃣ Congestion pricing: President Donald Trump wants to end New York City’s landmark traffic policy, but the program — the ...
In an interview with the New York Post, the president indicated his intentions to “kill” the program but provided few details ...
In an interview with The New York Post, President Trump said that congestion pricing hurt New York City but indicated that he ...
Overall ridership was up 13% in January, less than in December, suggesting that any congestion-pricing related gains may be ...
It’s the first time since Trump took office that he has publicly acknowledged that he is considering repealing New York’s ...
President Trump is said to be moving closer to pulling the plug on congestion pricing​, but is still in ongoing talks with ...
President Donald Trump has formulated a plan to force New York to “kill” congestion pricing tolls in the city by withholding ...
Trump finds himself stuck between business elites with traditional conservative talking points and anti-toll Republicans.
"Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Give the congestion pricing program at least one full year to operate ...
The worry that congestion pricing would turn prime Manhattan business districts into dead zones is belied by new economic ...