As Romania's president and Serbia's prime minister resign in the midst of a political crisis, some opportunists are eyeing Ukraine's territory.
EU Member States have been eager to strengthen their borders with mass surveillance technology. Could such technology be turned against their own populations?
Ukrainian writer Andrei Kurkov describes his country's uncertainty as US-Russian talks spark fear, internal divisions grow, ...
Ukraine faces its greatest diplomatic challenge yet, as the Trump administration succumbs to disinformation and blames them for the Russian aggression. Eurozine's Réka Kinga Papp discusses this with ...
A state of paralysis seems to have gripped the European politicians. Yet, Trump, Putin, and other far-right leaders have never hidden their fascist project.
Europe is facing a shortage of general praticioners. Family doctors are ageing and unevenly distributed, and their profession is struggling to attract new recruits, as data shows.
As emerging economies rise, the global order shifts from Western dominance to a new multipolar era, challenging past imperial models while the U.S. and Europe grapple with economic and geopolitical ...
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L’Europa sta affrontando una carenza di medici, in particolare, di medici di famiglia: stanno invecchiando, la loro ...
El escritor Andrei Kurkov describe la incertidumbre reinante en Ucrania por culpa de la guerra, las tensiones políticas y el ...
Während der rumänische Präsident und der serbische Premierminister inmitten einer politischen Krise zurücktreten, haben ...