Motel One founder Dieter Müller is selling the majority of his company. The European financial investor PAI Partners is ...
Head of TUI Germany, is now CCO Markets and thus the top buyer of the largest tourism group. How the cooperation with hotels and airlines is changing, which functions are now bundled – and why TUI can ...
Croatia has been accustomed to rising visitor numbers for years. However, in some places it is also struggling with the issue ...
TUI will focus primarily on dynamic packaging with airlines and hotels to generate growth in its tour operating core business ...
The large tour operators are benefiting from the FTI gap. However, many medium-sized and small specialists for round trips, ...
Bulgaria is recording significant growth from German-speaking countries for summer 2025. One of the reasons for this, in ...
Just last summer, the travel start-up Ygo Trips from Julian Kögel, son of L'tur founder Karlheinz Kögel, brought the Get Away ...
Freshcells and Nezasa are pooling their expertise in a new platform for customised travel packages. It enables tour operators to plan and book round trips with real-time availability. Düsseldorf-based ...
Die Münchner Hotelkette ist einem Bericht zufolge inzwischen mehrere Milliarden wert. Ein wichtiger Teil bleibt in den Händen ...
Laut Geschäftsreise-Analyse des Verbands Deutsches Deutsches Reisemanagement (VDR) buchten deutsche Unternehmen ...
Small country, big show: ITB guest country Albania opened the world's largest travel trade show in Berlin with a spectacular ...
Von Mittwoch, 5. März 2025, an können deutsche Großbritannien-Touristen die elektronische Einreisegenehmigung ETA beantragen.