Steve Stumble 1-3-2025 : Puzzles
Jan 3, 2025 · Code: Select all 5 2 49 1468 136 16 89 348 7 49 7 8 24 23 5 1 6 39
Local - Wing : Advanced solving techniques
May 10, 2018 · {Local wing} L-WING x=(x-y)=(y-z)=z z may be eliminated from the beginning cell and x can be eliminated from the ending cell. aka L3- wing i will note it has 100% overlap with hybrid wings: however both names have been out for a number of years and I wont dispute either claims to first, this post is here mostly for posterity on the move set.
What is XYZ-Wing Hybrid strategy? : Help with puzzles and solving ...
Dec 8, 2016 · However, JSudoku site gives alias W-Wing alias Semi Remote Pair. By looking "Y wing style example 1", is it also called XY-Wing Hybrid move? If 23@g3 is apex; and, 12@a3 and 13@i1 are wings then, as per basic XY-Wing move, 1 may be excluded from hi3, abc1.
VWXYZ-Wing? : Help with puzzles and solving techniques - Enjoy …
Aug 7, 2018 · The simplest pattern Hodoku offered for that elimination was an ALS XY-Wing, which wasn't much prettier than the horrible APE solution. For a human solver that elimination is much more obvious and far simpler as a five-way Kraken Cell.
y-wing : General
Apr 30, 2017 · Nothing about a Y-Wing "uses up" the pivot, so you are free to use the pivot in another Y-Wing. More generally, as long as the criteria for a Y-Wing are met, you can use it. It doesn't matter what other patterns are present at the time or what the history of your deductions up to that point is (as long as you haven't made any mistakes).
Two definitions of W-Wing, terminology question : Advanced …
Aug 4, 2010 · Now, if I say combined definition of W-Wing, it will be as follows: "If two unsolved cells, A and B , not see each other; contain exactly same (identical) two candidates; and has either strong or weak link on one digit; then the other …
start with basics, finish with x-wing, xy-wing and xyz-wing : General
start with basics, finish with x-wing, xy-wing and xyz-wing by urhegyi » Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:51 am My goal was to create a sudoku starting with very easy steps, like in a lot of newspapers to finish with the three different wings at the end.
Help with XY-Wing XYZ-Wing : Help with puzzles and solving …
Oct 15, 2024 · However, I have just added pencil mark option in my standard Sudoku solver program and look after each step. Found bug in rollback XYZ-Wing routine, corrected and now problem solved. Steps taken to solve the puzzle including XY-Wing and XYZ-Wing (and Trial and Error, i.e., Guess!) are attached. R. Jamil
Kraken X-Wing Example : Advanced solving techniques - Enjoy …
Oct 23, 2008 · In the case of the Kraken, X-Wing the fin, as usual, directly see's a member of the X-Wing, but sees the candidate for exclusion through a conjugate link (r6c3 & r6c9 above). The basis for the validity of the exclusion is exactly the same in both cases. Looked at this way, IMO the Kraken X-Wing should be much easier to remember & identify.
What is XYZ-Wing Hybrid strategy? - Enjoy Sudoku
Nov 20, 2016 · 1) XYZ-Wing Hybrid strategy is based on four cells, i.e., one pivot cell and three pincer cells, that contain exactly three values (candidates) within a chute; 2) One pivot cell (or hinge or apex) contains all three values and three pincer cells contain two values each;