Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
Assessor, Auditor-Controller, Treasurer and Tax Collector, and Assessment Appeals Board have prepared this property tax information site to provide taxpayers with an overview and some specific detail about the property tax process in Los Angeles County.
Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
To locate the amount of your Secured Property Taxes, click the following link How much are my property taxes? and enter your Assessor's Identification Number. This website provides current year and delinquent secured tax information.
PAYMENT INFORMATION Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
To locate the amount of your Secured Property Taxes, click the following link How much are my property taxes? and enter your Assessor's Identification Number. This website provides current year and delinquent secured tax information.
Overview Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
Property Tax Overview. The Assessor, Auditor-Controller, and Treasurer and Tax Collector work together to produce and account for your property tax bill and payment. The Assessment Appeals Board oversees the assessment process.
News Landing Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
FAQ for Wildfires and Other Emergencies and Implications to Property Assessments/Tax Bills
Self Service Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
Property Address Search; Property Tax Management System; Secured Property Tax Information Request (Multiple Parcels) The 1 Percent Tax - Where Does Your Money Go?
Statement of Prior Year Taxes - Los Angeles County, California
Breakdown of Delinquent Taxes Owed - This section lists the Assessor’s Identification Number and the Year and Sequence Number by the year the property first defaulted. Current year taxes are rolled or drawn off to the delinquent tax roll if they remain unpaid as of June 30 of each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
Unsecured Property Tax Bill - Los Angeles County, California
Unsecured Property Tax Bill - Unsecured bills are mailed out every year no later than July 31st and are due no later than August 31st. Corrected bills are also mailed out using this same form so make sure to check your due dates.
Unsecured Property Tax Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
Unsecured Property Tax Bill - Unsecured bills are mailed out every year no later than July 31st and are due no later than August 31st. Corrected bills are also mailed out using this same form so make sure to check your due dates.
PublicInquiry Los Angeles County - Property Tax Portal
Property Tax Overview; How the Property Tax System Works; Areas of Responsibliity